Sagemeadow’s 3rd Annual Fall Festival!

Sagemeadow’s 3rd Annual Fall Festival!

Please plan on joining us for our rescheduled Fall Festival, now planned for

Saturday, November 2nd, 9th, 2024.

The details are finalized and we are excited to share that our theme is Fall in Costume! Don’t put that costume away until you bring it to this year’s festival. We will have a youth costume contest.

For information on what we did last year, see our webpage located here –> 2nd Annual Fall Festival.

Be a part of this event!

Volunteers: If you are available to help assist in making this celebration a reality, please contact Seth via email at

Vendors: If you a vendor, particularly but, not limited to selling handcrafted or homemade items and would like to participate in our event, contact us at Note: due to the schedule change, we will accept vendors up to noon on Friday, Nov. 8th.

Event Sponsors: If you or your business would like sponsor our event, please send us an email at

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