Deed Restrictions

Covenants and restrictions form the foundation of any homeowners association. By establishing standards for what we as homeowners must do, and must refrain from doing, they set the tone for our community.  The purpose of such standards is simply to protect our property values, promote safety in our community, maintain aesthetic appeal, and generally improve our neighborhood’s quality of life. 

All residents should review and become familiar with our covenants and restrictions found under Important Information or simply look here at Important Documents. Additionally, we have a page dedicated to explaining “the rules” in plain language. See Sagemeadow Rules.

Deed Restrictions Enforcement Policy

It is incumbent on all Sagemeadow homeowners (and their guests) to observe all restrictions laid out by this community. Our community’s approved deed restriction enforcement policy can be found here.

ALL Homeowners Have a Duty

While we pay for regular inspections of our community to determine if our residents are in compliance with our rules and restrictions, we rely on you the homeowner, to inform us of concerns throughout our neighborhood. All homeowners are duty-bound to ensure that they themselves, and everyone around them are following the rules.

If ever you notice a concern with one of your neighbors, the first thing we ask is that you talk to them and explain what you see. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, or your efforts to speak with them have little effect, please send your observations through our TownSq Portal or by email to request our property manager reach out to them. Note: more data is better so, dates, pictures, and anything you think would help to communicate your concern is requested.

Your HOA is made up of your neighbors who have volunteered to sacrifice their time to help make our neighborhood a better place to live. Please have patience with us. Please provide us your feedback. Most importantly, please help us take care of our home we call Sagemeadow.