Per the foundational documents of our community, an election should be held once a year, to elect a homeowner for one of the three executive committee positions of chairman, vice-chairman, or treasurer. These positions are to be filled by homeowners of Sagemeadow, which have been nominated by one or more homeowners, to serve a three-year term. Only one seat should be elected per year, in rotation. The current executive committee can be seen here–>
Elections are held every year, during the Annual meeting in January. Special elections, can occur at any time of the year, depending on the needs of the community. To keep in accordance with best practices and unless otherwise noted, all future elections should be held at the beginning of the year, during the annual meeting.
Board Roles and Responsibilities
The general description of the roles and responsibilities, as define in our by-laws for each position are shown below.
- Chairman
- Presides at all meetings, regular and special, of the organization; they shall execute contracts on behalf of the organization upon proper authorization of the active members; and they shall have such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the chief executive of any organization.
- Vice-Chairman
- Shall assist the Chairman in carrying out the executive duties of this organization and in the event of the absence or inability of the Chairman to exercise their office, the Vice Chairman shall become the acting Chairman with all the rights, privileges and powers as if they had been the duly elected Chairman.
- Treasurer
- Shall keep accurate records of all meetings, attend to correspondence, act as custodian of the organizations’ records and files, maintain the financial records of the organization, and see to the collection of the annual maintenance charge.
Paraphrasing from our founding documents the (executive) committee is responsible for:
- Collecting and expending, in the interest of the subdivision as a whole, the maintenance fund defined in our founding documents.
- Enforcing, by appropriate proceedings, all covenants and restrictions.
- Enforcing or releasing any lien imposed on any part of this subdivision by reason of violation of any covenant or restriction, or by reason of failure to pay legally permissible maintenance charges.
Voting by Proxy

There will be times when you are unable to vote in person but would still like to cast your vote. For that purpose, please contact our community manager via email at
If you have questions regarding any election, please don’t hesitate to contact customer service either by email or by phone, as shown in the sidebar of this page. Also, for general comments to the board, please email at, or leave a voice message at 832-377-0847.